As I opened the Parham's book to read Day 8, their postcard advertisement dropped out onto my desk. There staring at me were two pictures of the same couple. Yes, the Parham's "before and after" pictures. In between these two pictures were the words "Go from this to THIS!" Looks easy, sounds easy, and even though Phil and Amy have both told us it wasn't easy, I wanted to think and believe it was easy.
This is a lifestyle change we are making and one that will evolve as we begin to make better choices along the way. . . BABY steps, to bigger steps, to giant steps as we get closer to our goals. Instead of thinking of the things we did wrong or ways we failed, we need to think of the things we did right and the ways we succeeded!
Okay, I will go first . . . since I felt bad today and wanted to take it easy, my husband and I decided to go to a movie matinee and spend the day together. What did I do right today?
- Passed on the popcorn and drinks at the movie
- Ate a club sandwich and salad instead of a burger and fries for lunch
- Passed on the HOT NOW Krispy Kreme donuts
- Had a small white mocha coffee only instead of a large white mocha coffee and danish at Starbucks
- Ate vegetable soup and water for dinner
- Drank water as much as I could throughout the day and evening
Sure I have some things in there I shouldn't have done or should have done differently, but at least I am beginning to be conscience of my choices.
How about you? Don't tell me how you failed today, tell me how you succeeded! Once again, we are in this together :)
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You passed on the HOT NOW donuts? You ARE serious! Way to go!
Here are some things you can do with eggs:
1) Scrambled with cheese, onions, and mushrooms (You could add in turkey bacon or smoked turkey as lighter alternatives to bacon or ham.)
2) Frittata with sausage (or light alternative) and peppers.
3) Omelet filled with cheese and ANYTHING!!
4) Egg Casserole
5) Deviled eggs
6) Egg Salad
7) Egg Sandwich
8) Boiled and chopped up in green salad
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