Thursday, April 7, 2011

Crossing the Finish Line

Well the end of the challenge is here and for those of us who made it to this point, we can say "we did it!"  We've crossed the finish line.  As Phil said at our Celebration Meeting this evening, "the power to do this is in you." And he is so right. I do have the power to do this because it is in me, just as it is in you.

I thought the challenge would be about losing weight and getting in shape, but I also learned a lot about myself. There were emotional times, there were failures, but there were successes too. What I have learned over these past 90 days I will use while continuing this journey toward a healthy life style.

Thanks Phil and Amy Parham for meeting with us weekly to teach us and encourage us. Many lives have been changed over these past 3 months - changed for the best. This challenge has been short term, but the journey continues. I agree with Phil . . . don't stop!

As we end this challenge together, I wish you the best in your health and fitness endeavors and pray God's blessing upon each one of you.  I don't know what you have planned for tomorrow, but I will be up bright and early rowing, drinking lots of water, eating 5 or 6 small healthy meals a day, and then getting a good night's rest. Yes, the tools I learned will go with me. I hope you will use them too. And remember . . . DON'T STOP . . . this is only the beginning!

Getting physically and spiritually fit in 90 days . . . 
first a challenge, then a way of life.

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