Friday, April 1, 2011

Living in the Moment

"Live in the moment" was a statement Phil said last night at our weekly meeting and it has been bouncing around in my head ever since. I have been searching within to see if I do indeed live in the moment and I've come to the conclusion that I don't.

Sometimes I live in the past that's wallpapered in remorse, guilt, failure, disappointment, as well as missed opportunities. This is NOT a healthy place to be. Yes, I can LEARN from the past but I don't need to LIVE in the past. So much of today will be missed.

Most of the time I live in the future chasing after dreams, the what if's, and what can I do next. I won't finish one thing before I'm looking for the next thing. Again, this is NOT a healthy place to be. Yes, I can PLAN for the future, but I don't need to LIVE in the future. So much of today will be missed.

I need to live in the moment -- today -- where I am right now. This moment needs to be enjoyed, embraced, captured, shared, and consumed . . . for it will be gone, never to return again.  The past helps me realize where I have failed before and the future holds my plans, but I need to live today.

Where are you living? 
Search within to see if you are living in the moment. 
LEARN from your past, 
PLAN for your future, 
LIVE in the moment!

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