Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day ??? - I've lost track!

Day ??? . . . I've lost track. All I know is that I am keeping my head down and pressing on through! And as I press through, I'm going to run up upon days like today. What happened today? I just didn't feel like exercising . . . once I got to my rowing class, I couldn't get in the groove . . . during the work-out, I struggled . . . close to the end, I wanted to quit . . . BUT I pressed on through . . . I didn't give up . . . AND I felt great afterwards. In the end I was glad I didn't give into my whining self!

Ever had a day like I had today? I'm sure you have, if not, you are better at this than I. Today taught me something, again, that if I will just make up my mind I am going to work out and follow through, I will feel so much better. Not just physically, but mentally, and especially emotionally. Now the thought that keeps going through my head today is "I did it!" "I did it!" "I did it!"

I can't keep up with the days anymore because at this point it's not about the days which are behind me or the days I have left. It's more about finishing what I started. And with this challenge, only good can come from this!!! And in the end I will be able to say "I did it!" "I did it!" "I did it!"

Don't give up, I want to see you at the finish line with me . . . and we WILL get there!

image courtesy of photobucket.com

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