Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day Twenty-one -- Wake Up!

It's time to wake up a sleeping giant. Who? Us!!! We are all sleeping giants -- people who are full of life, aspirations, dreams, goals -- but somewhere in the middle of the day to day routines we've lost sight AND have maybe fallen asleep.

The rhythm of life can lull us to sleep. Once we are asleep, we just go through the motions believing that this is all there is to life. Our aspiration, dreams, and goals? They are set aside for a day that may or may not come. Those of us on the 90 Day Fitness Challenge with Phil and Amy Parham are in a perfect spot to hear the alarm clock and WAKE UP! We are in a wonderful position to work out the cobwebs, flush out our systems with water (water and MORE water), and feed our cells the right nutrients needed.

Do you hear the alarm? Is there something inside of you that's beginning to get a glimpse of a new, stronger you? Is there a spark in your belly that is at the point where one big fanning of the spark could cause it to flame? Then don't let your mind with negative thoughts tell you differently.

My rowing coach says our minds get tired and want to give up before our bodies and this is so true. My body always keeps going if I press forward. It seems our minds are the wimps. It's our minds in cahoots with our taste buds that lead us towards sweet tea and sodas instead of water, chips and dip instead of carrots, and pasta with heavy Alfredo sauce instead of grilled chicken. It's our minds that tell us that we are too tired to work out when in reality we feel so much better when we do. It's our minds that keep the "CD player of our negative thoughts" on continual play so we have the thoughts of defeat playing over and over.

Our actions will always follow our thoughts so we need to tell our negative thoughts to LEAVE. Well it's time to tell our mind to move over. Joyce Meyer says "The mind is the battlefield. It is a vital necessity that we line up our thoughts with God's thoughts." The real person, the person God made us to be, the person who has aspirations, dreams, and goals needs to be awakened!

Wait, do you hear that? It's the alarm clock. Time to WAKE UP!

image courtesy of


Nan Jones said...

I hear it, loud and clear! Great post, Beth.

Beth K. Fortune said...

Thanks Nan, I'm awake too!