Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Reflections

Once again I find myself on a Sunday afternoon thinking about my upcoming week and all I need to do and have planned. Since I have been on this challenge, my thoughts also take me back to the week I've just completed. So here I sit. . . . a new week ahead of me and my past week behind me.

What trickles from the past to the future is ways in which I can improve as well as ways in which I can work harder and eat better. My "ah - ha moments" are still fresh in my mind and I want to continue learning about this new healthy lifestyle.

Then there are the thoughts that blast their way into my mind reminding me of all the ways I've failed by making the wrong choices when eating, caved and had a soft drink, or didn't take the opportunity of a perfectly beautiful day to take a walk and get some exercise.

But what I need to do at this moment is remember what I wrote about a few days earlier and that's STAYING FOCUS! So what if I had a few weak moments. I'm still moving forward,  I'm still looking for "ah - ha moments," and I'm still learning and pressing forward.

Yes, a busy week is ahead, but by continuing to do what I've been doing, I will feel better, have more energy, and be more productive.

Hummmmm, looks like it's going to be another good week! Hope you have one too!

image courtesy of

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