Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ah-ha Moments

Some of you may already be ahead of me, but I'm finally beginning to have a few "ah-ha" moments. You know, the ones where the light finally comes on. Well the lights are flashing and have been for me during the last few days.
  • Ah-ha moment #1:  While working out Monday I heard someone say they could tell they hadn't had enough water over the weekend. Then the light switched on . . . water really does help when I work out. I too have had some difficult times while exercising and when I stopped to think, I would realize they were usually when I too hadn't had enough water. There really is something to drinking all of this water. My body DOES need it and I'm finally beginning to tell when it hasn't had enough.
  • Ah-ha moment #2:  Sometimes after a rowing class I will hear people comment on how many calories they burned. Well, I thought I would try and start noticing and I seem to always burn less calories even if I work as hard, or harder. Then the light switched on . . . I didn't have as much muscle as the others (yet), therefore I wasn't burning as many calories. There  really is something to building muscles. I will actually burn MORE calories as I gain more muscle.
  • Ah-ha moment #3:  There are days I feel great and then there are days I am very sluggish. After thinking about this I began looking at my food journal. Then the light switched on . . . there really is something to eating the right foods so your body will have the fuel it needs. When I feed my body foods that it can use as fuel, I feel better and can also exercise better. My body DOES REACT to foods that fuel. 

Have you had any ah-ha moments where the light finally switched on? It may have taken weeks for me to finally grasp some of these facts, but I am a firm believer in "better late than never!" Guess it really does take 90 Days to get on track and make life style changes.

Here's to the next half of the challenge!

image courtesy of photobucket.com


Alycia Morales said...

What a great post, Beth! As I was reading it, I could see the spiritual aspects involved as well. Like enough time drinking from the Word of God. Enough time exercising our spiritual muscles. Remembering to eat our daily bread. I love it when God takes ordinary things and speaks to me through it! Thanks for sharing!

Beth K. Fortune said...

You are so right Alycia. . . I had the same thoughts :)