Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week 6 - Thursday Quotes

Once again I made my way around the room at our weekly meeting, pen and paper in hand. Tonight's question:

"If I were struggling and wanted to quit this
 challenge, what would you tell me
 to encourage me to keep going?"

  • Marisa - "Think how much better you feel than you did 7 weeks ago!"
  • Don - "God gave us these bodies and it's our Christian duty to take care of them."
  • Bob - "Get you a partner or a group to work out with to help keep you going."
  • Donna - "Keep hanging in there and take it one day at a time."
  • David - "If you've come this far, why quit?"
  • Tommi - "I always tell myself, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' I say this all the time when I am working out and it helps me."
  • Mike - "Stay focused."
  • Me - "Keep going and take it one day at a time. It will be worth it in the end."
  • Amy Parham - "Take a rest day. Take a high calorie day, then regroup. Think of a sling shot - pull back and then take off."
  • Phil Parham - "Tomorrow's a new day. What are you focusing on . . . how hard it is or where you are wanting to go? Get your mind off any temporary set-back. Ask yourself, do you want to be where you were a few weeks ago? This is a life style."

Are you encouraged? I am. No, I'm not really struggling and wanting to quit today, but there may be someone who is getting tired and feeling a little defeated. I hope these encouraging words will help you get re-focused. I know they will definitely help me if I begin to get off track! May they do the same for you too.

Now . . . on to Week 7!

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