Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day Eighteen - Good Grief!

Good grief! What was I thinking . . . writing about food journaling right before my birthday! Obviously I wasn't. And then there's the Super Bowl. Ok, being real here . . . if I was doing Weight Watchers and counting points, I would have already used my extra points for the month! If I was counting calories, I would have been off the chart. My food list is going to be very long and it's only the first day of me journaling.

My list looked good after breakfast - grapes, cheese, water - however from lunch on it's a list that would not, SHOULD not be seen by others who are trying to lose weight. And what excuse did I make all day, up until a few minutes ago when I had a delicious cinnamon bun, "Well, it IS my birthday!"

I can whine and say I've failed and quit the challenge or I can get back to work tomorrow. I'm choosing to get back to work tomorrow. I may have to work a little harder this week than I would have if I hadn't  added up the calories today, but as I said from the very beginning, I'm committed to this challenge. I hope you are too.

Ate too much this weekend? Munched on too many snacks during the football game? Plan to work harder and eat better next week. I am. Fruit and veggies, here I come! Oh, and as far as the next special occasion . . . I hope I will have worked up more will-power!!!

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Vonda Skelton said...

We fall down, we get up. We fall down, we get up. As long as we get up, we can still win. :-)

Beth K. Fortune said...

That is so true Vonda. Thanks!