Friday, February 11, 2011

Day Twenty-three - Metabo-what?

me·tab·o·lism     noun    \mə-ˈta-bə-ˌli-zəm\

Definition of METABOLISM:
a: the sum of the processes in the buildup and destruction of protoplasm; specifically: the chemical change in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities and new material is assimilated
b: the sum of the processes by which a particular substance is handled in the living body -- Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

What does all that mean? Think of our bodies as machines that need energy (fuel) to run. Different ingredients found in certain foods are the fuel our bodies need. However, unlike electricity that powers directly, food is not fuel that is ready to use for power immediately. Metabolism is the chemical reaction  in the body that converts the fuel (calories)  from food into the energy through a network of hormones and enzymes. The process of metabolism establishes the rate at which we burn calories. And to lose weight, we are all about burning calories, right?

How to Boost Our Metabolism:
  • Exercise - aerobic workouts AND weight training. Aerobics help us loose weight by burning more calories and weight training builds muscle which not only helps us burn more calories BUT the more muscle we have the higher our resting metabolic rate.
  • Eat More - What? Eat MORE? Yes, eating frequently helps keep our metabolism in high gear. Waiting too long to eat in between meals slows our metabolism down (our bodies think it is starving and wants to hold on to every calorie. YIKES!)
  • Always eat breakfast - Don't want our bodies thinking it's starving.
  • Don't skip meals - That starving scenario again.
  • Water, water, water! The energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Less sleep alters metabolism rates and can decrease the number of calories our bodies burn while resting.
Now that you have a somewhat clear understanding of your metabolism, besides the best (however mostly incorrect) excuse line ever . . . "I have a slow metabolism" get out there and GO FOR IT!  Boost that metabolism. Give that machine of yours good fuel so it can turn it into energy and help get those pounds off. And remember -- Eat less, eat more frequently, move more, and drink water, water, and then some more water.
Have a great weekend!

image courtesy of

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