Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day Twenty-five -- Sunday Reflections

I thought I would go to the dictionary again today and this time I looked up the word challenge to actually see what Mr. Webster (now Merriam-Webster) says. The best definition that fits what we're doing these 90 days is  "to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties." 

Right on . . . we're being aroused and stimulated by a difficulty that is presenting itself. The difficulty? Eating right, exercising, making changes in our life. And why did we sign up for this? Every one of us should have a different answer to this question.

Why did we sign up?  We need to re-visit our motives and if we need to, re-commit.  We are not half way though the challenge yet. I know I could have gone all day without reminding us of that, however, this should motivate us. Motivate us to keep going . . . look how far we have already come. For those of us who have gotten off track, there's plenty of time to get started again . . . look how much time we have left. 

We knew it would be a challenge . . . we knew it would stretch us . . . we knew it would be difficult . . . we knew we wanted change . . . and, we knew we could do it! That's right, there is something deep down inside each of us that KNOWS we CAN do this. Re-mind yourself of that today. 

In closing, three short statements:
  • Re-visit your motives.
  • Re-commit to the challenge.
  • Re-mind yourself that you CAN do this.
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