Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Fifteen - Be Open to the Process

"Be open to the process." This is one of the last comments Phil made at our weekly meeting tonight and I thought it was great. I have told myself that I was going to try and enjoy the journey, but this says it even better because a process is a "series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end." I'm definitely trying to achieve a particular end and it is taking a series of actions and steps!

Amy did a great job of making us think about why we eat. I have always heard of emotional eating, but Amy broke it down:
  1. Identify the difference between hunger and eating because of emotions. Need to handle emotions a different way than eating. 
  2. Identify the moment in our life when we started using food to comfort ourselves. We need to ask God to show us. This may involve forgiving someone so we can become free of something that is holding us back.
  3. Relax - We need to give ourselves a break. We need to give ourselves permission to take care of ourselves.
Lots of good information tonight. . . from getting the right shoes and active wear to drinking 16 oz. of water first thing in the morning to flush our systems out. I can't believe how much I have learned in less than a month AND have been putting this knowledge to use.

Yes, I am open to the process . . . even when I am weak and things are difficult. . . I'm NOT giving up. "Therefore I set my face like flint, confident that I'll never regret this" (Isa. 50:7 The Message).

Challenge for the week:
  • Eat every 3 hours, smaller portions
  • Watch out for thoughts of quitting
  • Remember conference call Monday night 8:00 with Pete Thomas
  • Work out!!!! 
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