Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day Twenty-four --Weight Training

Yesterday I mentioned that weight training helps boost metabolism. Thursday night Amy gave us 20 reasons to train with weights. Thought it would be good to keep these reasons before us.

20 Reasons to Weight Train

  1. Lose 40% more. Won't lose only weight, but inches also.
  2. Burn more calories
  3. Clothes will fit better
  4. Will keep your body looking good for years
  5. Build stronger bones
  6. You will be more flexible
  7. Healthier heart
  8. Derails and helps prevent diabetes
  9. Cuts cancer risk
  10. Diet will improve
  11. Helps you handle stress better
  12. You'll shrug off jet lag easier
  13. Be more happier
  14. Sleep better
  15. Get in shape faster
  16. Helps fight depression
  17. Helps you be more productive
  18. Adds years to your life
  19. Helps you stay sharp
  20. Will even make you smarter

If you haven't added weights to your training, why not give it a try next week. Who wouldn't want to experience some of these wonderful benefits.

image courtesy of

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