Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Eleven - One Day At A Time

Some of my writer friends are in awe that I have committed to writing every day while going through the 90 Day Fitness Challenge. I get questions like "Are you crazy?" or "When do you have time?" and "How do you come up with ideas to write about every day?"

My answers: Maybe, whenever I have a moment, I write one day at a time.

photo courtesy of photobucket.com
Yes, I write one day at a time. I'm also going through this challenge one day at a time. If I stop to think about the fact that I need to come up with 90 ideas -- I would panic. The same with the challenge, if I stop to think about the fact that I need to commit to exercising, eating more vegetables and fruit, drinking more water, and giving up my comfort food -- I would panic.

I'm NOT a morning person, so how do I get up early 5 days a week (including Saturday) to go to a rowing class at 7:30 am or 8:00 am? One day at a time.

I crave sweet tea. How do I pass by all the Sonics and Chick-fil-as on my way to work (yes, I have picked out the best tea spots on route to my office)? One day at a time.

I enjoy pizza. How do I keep from having pizza nights and eating all I want? One day at a time.

I wake up thinking about Hardee's sausage biscuits (Woodfuff Road is the best!). How do I pass this up each morning? One day at a time.

By looking over the above list I realize my past laziness and the 3 indulgences (and believe me, there are more) are part of the reason I am taking this challenge to get healthier and lose weight. However, I'm 2 weeks into my life-style change and I'm doing it One Day At A Time!

How are you doing? Don't be afraid to comment or share. You may share exactly what someone needs to hear to be encouraged or something in which everyone can relate. No, you don't have to be as transparent as I am (know you're glad to hear that!) but, we'd love to know how you are doing on your own journey.

 “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, 
but let us encourage one another.” (Hebrews 10:25)


Unknown said...

I am very happy today about my progress. My weigh in day is Tuesday and my first weigh in was last Tuesday on 1-11-11. As of today, I have lost 2 pounds! Not much, but I have started! That's the important thing for me. This blog is helping to keep me on track, by the way. So, thanks! Keep up the good work.

Beth K. Fortune said...

Way to go Jeri! 2 pounds is 2 pounds!!!! And you are right, the important thing is that you started. And we will finish together :)

Unknown said...

I am trying not to be frustrated. i have lost 3 pounds and I know that is good. I have always given up when weight loss didn't happen as fast as I thought it should. but i am learning, as you said Beth, to take it one day at a time. it didn't take overnight to gain the weight and I know it won't go away overnight. thanks for keeping the positive outlook. it helps me maintain mine.

Celeste Vaughan said...

Thanks Beth for doing this daily blog! I am finally getting into this challenge...although a little late, better late then never! I've lost about five pounds...mainly just from changing my diet. I know how I should eat,but got lazy over the holidays! I am trying to get a new schedule in order to incorporate all of the new things I am taking on this year, so I need all the encouragement and motivation I can get!

Beth K. Fortune said...

Sabina . . . as I told Jeri, 3 pounds is 3 pounds!!!! And you are right, we didn't gain our weight all at once. Remember, this is a journey we are on, not a short stroll in the park! You can do it . . . one day at a time!!!

And Celeste, you are right, better late than never. You do have a lot of new things going on, but what a better time to start all of these new adventures and I can't wait to see what all the Lord does with you and through you! Encouragement and motivation . . . YOU GOT IT!!!!