Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day Six - Find An Exercise You Love

Snow still on the ground, ice still on some roads, and saying this challenge has been a challege in itself this week is an understatement. I, like everyone else probably, was looking forward to the meeting tonight to help me get re-focused. It didn't happen but as I learned on Day Four, I must "Monitor and Adjust."

I have been drinking more water and for exercise I walked in the snow, which helped get my heart rate up more than I realized it would, and spent time sweeping and cleaning the house. Anything to keep moving. I haven't had a chance to row on the rowing maching all week and am having major withdrawls!

With the snow, I am sure many of you have not been able to even get to the Mauldin Sports Center to check it out and look for a way to exercise. Let me encourage you to FIND SOMETHING YOU LOVE TO DO! Believe me, it will make all the difference in the world when it comes to exercising. I love to row, therefore I can't wait to get on a rowing machine every morning at 7:30 or 8:00, five days a week. It is not a chore or something I dread, but something I can't wait to do. This has been the key to my exercise, finding something I love to do!

Another idea that may help you exercise is to find someone to exercise with you. This could go right along with Rodney's devotion for today when we look at it from the standpoint of working together.

Friction – Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
     Movement creates heat and energy.  When two people work together with passion and force there is bound to be some things you don’t see exactly the same.  However with mutual respect and focus the result is often far better than either of you could ever have achieved on your own.  Work together for like minded goals and build each other up in the process.

Closing Day Six with two powerful statements from Phil: "Always keep the dreams alive in your heart. You will get there!"

Now, go for it!

image courtesy of

1 comment:

Janice H said...

Thank you for all your hard work on the daily blogging! I am thankful I have gotten signed on to keep up with this! As in keeping our bodies fit; so with Outreach-ing for the new year; we want to get to know our new 90 day fitness friends better each week!