Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day One - "They're Off"

I didn't hear a starter gun, see a green flag or hear a voice shouting "They're off!" but I do feel like I have started my journey. As of today, I'm no longer on the starting line!

So what do I do now? Well I have my homework:
  1. Make a decision that change starts today.
  2. Read first 5 chapters in the Parham's book about the Dream Principle.
  3. Water, water, water!
  4. Check out the Mauldin Sports Center and start moving.
  5. Be on the conference call Monday night, Jan. 10th, at 8:00 pm.
  6. Be at the Thursday meeting at 7:00 pm.
I think I can do everything easily enough except I'm a little concerned about the "water, water, water". . . this isn't going to be easy. I will definitely need help with this one so if you see me, ask if I have given up my sweet tea and drinking water instead. (Now that's what I call accountability!)

Something else about today, I saw a room full of unfamilar faces. Know what that means to me? Potential new friends!!!

So what are my thoughts on Day One of this challenge . . . I think the next 90 are going to be great!
What about you?

image courtesy of


Unknown said...

did i miss the kickoff event? can i still start. if, so how?

Beth K. Fortune said...

The kickoff was Saturday, however the Parham's said people could still come and register the next two Thursday nights. The meetings will be at Mauldin First Baptist @ 7:00 pm. Come join the fun!