Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Ten - Just Do It

We are all familiar with the Nike logo with the words "Just Do It."  That's where I am today. I just need to do it!
image courtesy of

Exercise - Just Do It!
Drink water - Just Do It!
Make better choices when eating today - Just Do It!

I think I am getting the hang of this, so let's see . . .
Wash and dry a couple of loads of clothes today - Just Do It!
Vacuum and sweep - Just Do It!
Organize and pay bills - Just Do It!
Clean out the fridge from the snow days and weekend - Just Do It!
Catch up on emails - Just Do It!

Oh No!  I have just over-committed myself because there's no way I can get all of the above things done once I get home from work this evening. But that's ok. I will do the most important chores first, accomplishing what I can.

So what is on your "to do" list besides exercising, drinking water, and making better choices when you eat today?
Well then, you guessed it . . . JUST DO IT!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1) Wash dishes
2) Write checks
3) Plan this week's meals
4) Make shopping list and pull coupons
5) Pick up
6) Knit a little on the baby blanket

The only one that sounds like fun is #6!