Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Fifteen - Keep on Keeping on!

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I recently found a great book written by Dr. Kara Davis entitled "Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss." In her book she gives 7 simples pieces of advice.
  1. Your diet should be comprised primarily of plant-based foods.
  2. Spend more time in your kitchen.
  3. Watch your beverages.
  4. Limit, LIMIT, LIMIT the amount of sugary and salty snacks you eat.
  5. Stop going for seconds.
  6. Stop putting enough food for seconds on your first plate.
  7. Exercise regularly.
When we think about weight loss and healthy living, we're probably all aware of the above steps and the importance of each one of them. It's the DOING that's the difficult part. What I want to say to us today (yes, me included) is we shouldn't feel guilty if we have failed in the past. Today is a new day and with the support of others on this 90 Day Fitness Challenge, we have another chance.

May this weekend be one in which we begin to see some changes. I for one have to admit that grapes are beginning to taste better as I snack on them instead of chips or crackers, a Sonic sweet tea doesn't quite have the same affect on me, and I love the feel of baggy clothes!

We have 75 more days . . . pace yourself, give yourself grace when you stumble, and keep on keeping on!

 “And let us consider how we may spur one another
on toward love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24)


Unknown said...

Beth -- Try freezing the grapes. For some reason, they become very snack-like when frozen!

Beth K. Fortune said...

Thanks Jeri,
I will have to try that soon.