Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day Nine - Sunday Reflections

It's Sunday and Day Nine of the challenge. Thought I would put before us the tips of this past week along with some great ideas from Jeri. Thanks Jeri for helping us out! 

  • Using Post-it notes, write something on them that relates to your dream and put them all over your home, car, or at work to encourage you to keep going.
  • Find a Bible verse or positive affirmation that is inspiring and meaningful to your life and memorize it.
  • When shopping, park in the parking space farthest from the entrance instead of finding the closest spot.
  • If you are feeling alone on your journey, check local churches and communities for faith-based support groups for weight loss.
  • Try using audio books or download a faith message onto your iPod to keep you inspired and motivated.
  • Find a picture of a healthy and thin person who is inspiring to you and tape it to your fridge so you will see it every day.
  • Keep in mind the most inexpensive protein sources: eggs, tuna, and chicken.
  • Always have a learning attitude when it comes to health, nutrition, and exercise.
  • Use natural sweeteners whenever possible.
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep because this is where your body and your mind recharge.

Idea from Jeri:
Here are some things you can do with eggs:
  1. Scrambled with cheese, onions, and mushrooms. (You could add in turkey bacon or smoked turkey as lighter alternatives to bacon or ham.)
  2. Frittata with sausage (or light alternative) and peppers.
  3. Omelet filled with cheese and ANYTHING!!
  4. Egg Casserole
  5. Deviled eggs
  6. Egg Salad
  7. Egg Sandwich
  8. Boiled and chopped up in green salad
As we begn a new week, let's be reminded that "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6, NKJV).

image courtesy of

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