Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day Six - What's Inside You?

Putting my feet on the floor with a throbbing headache after a sleepless night wasn't the best way to begin my day today. You've had them too, the days you just want to stay in bed. The thought was there this morning, but I couldn't give into it.

Fast forward 45 minutes . . . I am sitting on the rowing machine, trying to warm up when I hear someone else say "I'm fine once I get here and begin rowing." My feelings exactly.

What gets us up early in the morning to exercise or causes us to drive to the gym after work? What makes us turn on the DVD, pick up the weights, jump on our bike, or go for a run at home? This morning I spent time pondering this while on the rowing machine  (10 minute intervals allowed me time to ponder, so thanks Lowell). While rowing I had a major "ah-ha" moment -- I realized to get healthy by changing our diets and exercising, there are 3 things that have to be INSIDE us and 3 things that need to be AROUND us.

  1. Desire - The desire to be different, be healthy, reach our goals, and achieve our dreams.
  2. Dedication - We must be dedicated to making changes and dedicated to our choice of exercise.
  3. Determination - Yes, we MUST be determined that nothing will keep us from reaching our goals and dreams.

  1. Accountability - There is no way I'm going to stay snuggie in my bed when I know my rowing coach is waiting on me! That's right, become accountable to someone, somehow.
  2. Encouragement - We need to be encouraged. There is nothing that will help us stay on the right tract more than knowing someone cares and wants to see us succeed.
  3. Rewards - Life is to be enjoyed, even while going through a fitness challenge. We need to let people reward us, reward ourselves, and make this fun. Remember this is a lifestyle change, not just something we are doing for 90 days then going back to our old ways.

Tomorrow is my day off from exercise, however when Thursday comes, I will once again head out the door early to exercise whether I feel like it or not. Why? You guessed it, I know first hand I have a desire, I'm dedicated, and most of all -- I'm DETERMINED!

Don't forget to click the Devotions Challenge Tab
for devotions written by Rodney Norvell, 
Pastor of Discipleship and Missions at First Baptist Church Mauldin.

image courtesy of photobucket.com


Unknown said...

I'm printing this one for the bathroom mirror too! Thanks, Beth.

Beth K. Fortune said...

Leave room on your mirror to see the wonderful changes you are making :)