Friday, March 18, 2011

Best Fruits to Lose Weight

Before the challenge I ate very little fruit. I wish I liked fruit, but I have had to acquire a taste for this naturally good carbohydrate. Not only have I had to acquire a taste for it, I've had to learn which ones are the best when counting calories. For example, I was getting used to grapes and have been taking grapes with me during the day -- then I found out that even though grapes are good for me, they do have more sugar than other fruits therefore more calories.

So today, I'm listing "The Best Fruits To Eat To Lose Weight:"
  • Apples - low in calories and fat, and also contain fiber to help you feel full.
  • Grapefruit - contains potassium and fat-burning enzymes, as well as a lot of water to help cleanse your system.
  • Bananas - besides containing vitamins A, B, and C and potassium, bananas are very filling.
  • Blueberries - have 45 - 60 calories per serving and are considered to be the fruit with the greatest amount of antioxidants.
  • Pears - contain the nutrients riboflavin, kalium and fiber.
  • Watermelon - helps supply the body with water, and its sweet flavor can satisfy cravings for desserts.

Yes, I will still eat grapes, strawberries and other fruits, however, it's nice to know which fruits are the best when I'm really trying to see results on the scales.

List taken from:
images courtesy of


Cathy Baker said...

Thanks for the great advice, Beth! I'm not a big fruit lover but thankfully I like a few you mentioned. :)

Vonda Skelton said...

Great thing to know! Thanks for the list!