Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday, Monday

It is another Monday. For many of us, staying motivated is one of the most difficult parts of this challenge. I found 7 helpful hints to help us stay motivated and thought I would share as we begin a new week.

  1. Work out why you want to lose weight.
  2. Work out some long, medium, and short term goals.
  3. Get a weight loss partner.
  4. Entering a sporting event such as a fun run or bike race will keep you on track when exercising and provide something to work towards.
  5. Keep a journal of weight loss efforts.
  6. Exercise in the morning.
  7. Try to do something everyday.

As a reminder, I also found a list of food choices that will help us eat healthier.
  • Instead of eating ice cream, have low fat yogurt or sherbet.
  • Use skim milk (fat-free milk) instead of whole milk.
  • Instead of eating pasta alfredo (white sauce pasta), eat pasta marinara (red sauce pasta).
  • Substitute bacon with lean ham.
  • Chocoholics may eat dark chocolate which is rich in anti-oxidant rather than a milk chocolate.
  • Use beef lion instead of brisket.
  • Instead of white bread, eat whole grain bread such as wheat bread.
  • Snack on peaches (61 cal./pc.), blackberries (62 cal./serving), and carrot sticks (52 cal./cup) instead of fried chips.
Hang on, we are getting closer to the finish line! Praying you have the courage to continue as we move forward into a new week!

Courage – “Rise up; this matter is in your hands.  We will support you, so take courage and do it" (Ezra 10:4).

List taken from
photos courtesy of

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