Friday, March 4, 2011

Stepping Up My Game

Since I've been on this challenge I have to admit I've been a little lax on the healthy eating side. Well I'm ready to step up my game. Amy says you need to have a plan to eat just like you have a plan to work out. So here is my plan and new strategy:
  1. Plan my meals for the week
  2. Make a grocery list
  3. Go to the grocery store buying ONLY what is on the list
  4. Cook a meal or two at a time
  5. Divide food into separate containers for meals and snacks to eat during the week
  6. Pack lunch and snacks at night before the next day
Whew . . . . I hope I can get the hang of this!

And remember, we need to not only drink water all day, but we need to eat every 3 to 4 hours. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. In case you missed some snack ideas and need to make your list for the grocery store tomorrow, here are some suggestions:
  • apple and 5-8 almonds
  • tangerine and 1/4 cup of walnuts
  • one string cheese and a plum or other seasonal fruit
  • greek yogurt with fresh berries and Xylitor or Stevia to taste
  • cuban crackers with 2 tablespoons of hummus
  • one boiled egg and an apple
  • one rice cake with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and half a banana
  • broccoli and carrots with olive hummus
  • Wasa crackers with Laughing Cow cheese or peanut butter
  • one tablespoon of guacamole and organic blue corn tortilla chips
  • nonfat frozen yogurt with almonds or peanut butter
  • orange and 2 rice cakes
  • one cup of cottage cheese and piece of fruit
Here's my new catch phrase . . . "I'm not leaving home without my bag of healthy food!" I'm anxious to see if this makes a difference over the next couple of weeks. I will be sure and let you know.

Are you reaching a plateau, leveling off, or no longer noticing a change in the scales? Do you feel like you are in a rut without seeing any results? What changes are you willing to make next week? Take time to think of how you can "step up your game."

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