Monday, March 21, 2011

Mama Said There Would Be Days Like This

Maybe it's because I've been feeling "under the weather" the past couple of days, but the thought of exercising and eating healthy isn't something I'm excited about doing at the moment. It seems to me that when I'm weak physically, I'm also weak emotionally which translates into less discipline, less willpower, and less motivation. Oh, don't get me wrong, I did work out this morning, but the healthy food in my cute lunch bag isn't very satisfying to me today. Neither is the water I should be drinking.

All I've got to say is:
  • It's a good thing Girl Scouts sell their cookies in front of grocery stores and not door to door like they used to. 
  • It's a good thing pizzas are delivered only to those who order them and not given to others who flag down or beep their horns to buy what the delivery guys have on hand.
  • It's a good thing I can go another way home rather than driving by the "Hot Now" sign at Krispy Kreme.
  • It's a good thing my husband has already planned dinner and has it cooking in the crock pot.
  • It's a good thing I have already worked out today.
  • It's a good thing I don't have to encourage another about living the healthy lifestyle (Oh, wait . . . that's why you're reading this! Opps!)
I guess you get the picture, sometimes there are, and will continue to be, days when we are less disciplined, have less willpower, and are less motivated. I'm just thankful that they are few and far between.

Oh yes, "Mama said there would be days like this, mama said!" But guess what tomorrow is? You got it, another day!

images courtesy of

1 comment:

Nan Jones said...

Now you know I'm gonna be singing that song all day long, don't you? LOL!! Great post!