Saturday, March 26, 2011

Plateaued . . . Re-focus!

Plateau, intransitive verb: to reach a level, a period, 
or condition of stability or maximum attainment. 

The definition that best describes me right now is "to reach a condition of stability." I refuse to believe that I've reached a level, period , or condition of maximum attainment! With that said, I'm already taking inventory of where I am, where I want to be, and how I can get beyond this condition of stability. 
  • How am I doing drinking water all day? 
  • Am I making the best choices of food?
  • Am I eating out too often?
  • Am I eating small meals throughout the day?
  • Am I exercising regularly?
  • Am I exercising hard when I exercise?
  • Am I getting enough rest?
  • How about my portion sizes when I eat?
  • Am I eating balanced meals?
  • Am I getting lazy?
  • Am I losing focus?
  • Do I still have my goals before me?
  • How disciplined am I?
  • Do I still dream?
  • How am I at planning my meals?
  • Do I need a new strategy?
If you feel as though you have lost momentum or plateaued . . . start your own list and do an inventory of where you are, where you want to be, and how to get beyond your condition of stability. We are too close to slow down now.

Get your pen and paper out and make your list as I did. Believe me, it will really make you think and hopefully re-focus!

images courtesy of

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still watching yall knock it on the head. I am proud of yall. Hopefully when i get back to "healthy enough" i am going to be able to refer back to all this good information you have been giving us and start getting back into shape. Thanks Beth.

Tim Wilder