Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No Balloons Today

There have been times on this challenge when I've wanted to go out and buy balloons and cupcakes and have a pity party because I'm tired. Tired of getting up early 5 days a week, tired of eating foods I really don't like, tired of thinking about foods I really don't like, and tired of reaching for a bottle of water instead of a cold glass of sweet tea.

Yes, today I'm tired. You would think I would be ready to go after it since I had a good week last week, but each week is a new week and I have to start all over again.  I was glad to read in Phil and Amy's book today that Amy has had those same thoughts. Just in case you haven't had a chance to read what she wrote on Day 54, I thought I would share it on my blog today. It sure helped me today.

"I know this "Challenge" is tough. Sometimes it feels as though we will never reach our goals. Sometimes we face setbacks. Sometimes it's hard to push ourselves to the next level. Here's some good news. We cannot be defeated if we just stay in the game and don't quit. Tomorrow is another day. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get past the momentary setbacks because they are just that -- momentary. Get around people who believe in you and who make you a better person. Celebrate all your victories. Even if you just stayed the same and the scale did not budge, at least you didn't gain weight.

"You are learning and growing. But days and challenges are part of the process. Keep your eyes focused on where you are headed and never give up. If you are tempted to throw yourself a pity party, rip up the invitation. You will get where you want to go, one step at a time."

Thanks Amy, that is exactly what I needed today. Now, where is my trash can? I need to throw away these ripped up invitations to my pity party!

"Mini-Challenge of the Day . . .
Where do you find strength in tough times? Some people call their friends for encouragement. Others may pray. What is something that you fall back on to give you support? Remember to do that very thing when you are tempted to feel sorry for yourself after a bad day or if you've stumbled on your journey.

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