Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week 7 - Thursday Quotes

Once again, with pen and paper in hand, I moved around the room this evening meeting and talking with others who are on this challenge with me. This weeks question . . . "What have you noticed about yourself since you began the challenge? Are some things getting easier or harder?"

  • Allie - "I'm walking faster. Easier to get my jeans on.
  • Sheila - "Not craving as much sugar, more energy.
  • Dee - "I have more energy, and am finding it easier to read labels."
  • Margaret - "For some reason, this has been a very emotional week for me."
  • Crystal - "Portion control is getting easier. I don't gorge like I used to and when I over eat, I feel bad."
  • Mary - "Reading labels is getting much easier."
  • Me - "Can tell a difference when walking up stairs . . . I could really tell a difference last Saturday at the Clemson basketball game. Great seats on the floor, but you know what that means? A LOT of stairs to climb back up after the game. Did it without huffing and puffing and having to stop! YEAH!"

It's interesting to me to see how others are doing, what they are struggling with and what is getting easier. I knew I wouldn't be alone in this challenge, but talking personally with others has given me  much more support and encouragement. Yes, we are all in this together.

And thanks to Josh who spoke to us tonight. It was great having him and I appreciated his willingness to answer our questions. (And yes, I did go right up to him after the meeting and talk to him about rowing at Greenville Indoor Rowing. He's a runner, but I think he would like rowing too. I just can't help myself!!!)

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